FINALLY, The Rocky Mountains.

Longingly awaited by some, feared by others, suspiciously eyed by all during our ride into Boulder and during our day-off in this beautiful resort of liberalism in the heart of Colorado. Reinforced by two 4K alumni we left the First Baptist Church between 6.30 and 7.00, heading north. They suggested not to take Lee Hill Road, as originally planned, but to take the flatter and 5 miles longer detour around the steepest part of the mountain. All 4kers except the fearless Kristen, Amelia, Abhishek and Henrik opted for the longer route and enjoyed a rather gradual ascent. Meanwhile, the quartet was greeted by a 14% incline already after the first switchback but was compensated for their efforts with a marvelous descent. Only Abhishek got unlucky. He jammed his chain and was set back for several minutes but caught up quickly without breaking into sweat.
All riders met again on Lefthand Canyon Road on their way across the first real mountain pass of this trip. The views were fantastic, the roads predominantly in excellent condition and the weather ideal for a nice ride. The roads weren't too steep, but sometimes averaged 7-8% for a long stretch which can be tedious in high altitude. Several of us complained about the thin air, only Amelia couldn't stop babbling how nice it smells and how clean it is.

After around 18 miles we arrived at the tiny city of Ward. What was formerly a mining settlement seemed to have turned into a hiding place for the last hippies in America. But to our surprise, they were serving great espresso, which was a rare treat in the farmlands of the Midwest. From Ward, it was only another half mile to the mountain pass where we took a water stop and regrouped.
After the pass, we had another 32 miles of wonderful descents, short climbs and spectacular views. Especially overseeing the valley of Estes Park was breathtaking. This was real road-biking! Especially those that have never been in the mountains, not to mention on a bike, were amazed by the beauty of Colorado. Overall we climbed almost 2000 meters (>6500 feet) over 50 miles in around 4 hours and 30 minutes and most of us agreed that it has been the best day on this trip so far. Trail Ridge Road - we are coming!
- Henrik Bläute
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